Managers Professional Indemnity Insurance
Professional indemnity insurance provides cover for claims brought against you for losses suffered by your customers as a result of your negligence or error and omission. These claims can extend to subcontracted services for which you were the agent, representative or lead contractor.
Examples of claims:
Failure to maintain ship – one of the largest claims paid by ITIC was as a result of a delay to the repair of a ship.
Appointing unqualified crew - if the crew are not certified to perform the jobs for which they are hired, the owner will be in breach of the terms of his insurances and the ship manager will be liable.
Failure to arrange insurance – ITIC has seen reports of claims against ship managers where banks or ship owners have sued them for negligence in failing to arrange adequate insurance.
Error in fixing ship – for example a ship with a Cyprus flag being fixed to discharge in Turkey.
Crew P&I
Covers insurance for seafarers and other specialist workers while on board, including employers contractual liability, liability in tort, deviation quarantine and seafarers abandonment.
Crew MEdical
Covers medical expenses for seafarers and their families while offshore. We can tailor the medical plans with flexible limits of cover, according to ship owners’ and ship managers’ needs.
Insurance cover can include:
Outpatient consultations
Inpatient treatments